Monday, September 24, 2007

Begin with the relationship with yourself. You’d better feel good about that lest it infect all others.

If you devote even ten minutes to creating a simple listing you may surprise yourself how quickly the names and categories add up. Give it an hour and you’ll likely be stunned. Now, for each one, if your relationship were objectively rated on a scale ranging from “Excellent” to “Poor” how would you measure up? And why? Is it neglect or indifference or simply unawareness?
If you cavalierly admit that you don’t care and it’s only the performance that counts, think again. I’ve known and heard about many otherwise excellent speakers who are so difficult to work with that event planners simply won’t suffer a second time in dealing with them. And, since such word travels quickly, how many bookings will “ Mr. or Ms. Difficult” never get due to that reputation?
I recently asked as planner pal if a particular speaker who was on her program was as difficult to work with as was reputed, she quickly retorted: “Not difficult at all. He was impossible -- and I’m warning all my friends.”

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